
Men Guðs hond er sterk



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Horvna eimin í mær Átti tú, bert og altíð tú Tað var tá, mítt blóð Ja, tað var tá eg livdi

Mín sál fyri vág og vind Fyri miskunn varganna Tykist sum ein øld Ið krýpur so æviga køld Um øll heimins mykja Stendur til at loypa Um mína skirvisgirðing Ongin fyrigeving

Svárt syngur ein bløðandi hevd Stendur mær tvør Hon vinnur so dánt við sítt flog Og aldri nemur við jørð

Ein bylgja slær meint á mítt borð Lívlínan fløkt Veikt stórlætið logar í lógv Síðan í alla tíð sløkt

Feigdin kom mær til góðar Nú ill eru ráðini Ábær, ábær Ber sál fyri brotasjógv Ábær

The faded fire in me Was yours, only and always yours It was then, my blood Yes, it was then that I lived

My soul to the elements To the mercy of beasts Seems like an age Which slithers eternally cold If all the dung of the world Stands to collapse Across my frail enclosure No forgiveness is granted

A bleeding claim laments Stands in my way It ascends and barely takes flight Never returns to the ground

A vicious breaker hits my bough My lifeline tangled On the shore my pride dimly flickers Then extinguished forever

Doom came to my aid Now there is no further resort To the storm, to the storm Soul bared to the churning seas To the storm

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Rikin við
Mótleys válan
Eftir svarðleysu hørg
Sjáldan fór dagur at halla so brádliga
Dugdi sær bert deyðveikt hógv

Eftir driv
Elti gløður upp á válshædd
At rætta hendur upp í hválv
Skrædla himinin

Hirði mín tók upp stjørnur við rót
Reið niður havsbrúgvarroði
Sigdarstrok undir kappanna mót
Og ljósið varð út úr mær togað

Um tó dirvið einaferð tók hald
Steyrrættur við knúsandi sprota
Eitt sveiggj inn í eitt myrkur sum vinnast kann á
Um dirvið tók hald

Hirði mín tók upp stjørnur við rót
Reið niður havsbrúgvarroða
Sigdarstrok undir kappanna mót
Og ljósið varð út úr mær togað

Driven along
Disheartened wandering
On the naked mound
Rarely did a day wane so suddenly
With only deathly weak restraint

After the rain
Followed embers up the height of the hill
To reach into the vault
Skin the heavens

My shepherd uprooted the stars
Rode down the horizon’s glow
The scythe swept through stalks of courage
And the light was drawn out of me

If bravery for once took hold
Precipitous with crushing scepter in hand
A swing towards a darkness defeatable
If bravery took hold

My shepherd uprooted the stars
Rode down the horizon’s glow
The scythe swept through stalks of courage
And the light was drawn out of me

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Hvílir tú prinsur í taraskóg
Har tú lívd fekk fyri levind
Har tú smidliga flýddi úr glatanarklóm
Sum brosma undan teistanevi

Hevja nú prinsur títt sigursróp
Lat í firðunum tað runga
Har hin Alvaldi gav tær tín aldudóp
og fjøran stóð fyri tær sprungað

Yvir tað vágar
Um tað, ið var

Innan og uttan skeljast í lag
Hvat enn eg so royndi skilnaðin
Langtandi søgnin brátt fjarar av
Og tómin skræðir meg við inní

Hóra tá prinsur enn eina stund
Trúnan tær liggur fyri fótum
Títt kongsdømi kann frelsa meg
Frá mínum kávalótum

Innan og uttan skeljast í lag
Hvat enn eg so royndi skilnaðin
Langtandi søgnin brátt fjarar av
Og tómin skræðir meg við inní

Rest, my prince, in the forest of weeds
Where you found shelter from turmoil
Where you lithely fled damnation’s claws
As the cusk from the tystie’s bill

Let out, prince, your victorious cry
Let it resound in the fjords
Where the Almighty baptized you in the waves
and the shore stood open to you

Daring beyond
Across what was

Inside and outside shatter in turn
Despite my attempts to divide them
The wistful tale soon ebbs away
And the emptiness pulls me into
Nightmare grief

Liven up, prince, just a while
The throne is yours to take
Your kingdom can deliver me
From my pretence

Inside and outside shatter in turn
Despite my attempts to divide them
The wistful tale soon ebbs away
And the emptiness pulls me into
Nightmare grief

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Læs ikki portrið
Goym tú okkum enn
Tó vit skiljast her
Ofraða løtan
Letur lív aftaná
Um tú viljan ber
Gev mær tíð

Nístandi rinið frá liðinum
Eltir meg, stynjandi
Fríður, ei friður enn
Rungar enn í mær eitt langtandi lag

Men glæman ber tín anda
Eftir ævinnar egg
Handan himnaveg
Hon bjargar mær úr vanda
Um hav eg hoyri teg

Rinið hvølt ljóðar eftirí
Eg vil skilja teg
Sum tú skilir meg
Kykur loypa
Inn í tína fevnandi dýrmætu tíð

Men glæma tín kann ganda
Allar øldir í sor
Slíta heimsins stev
Hon røkkur millum landa
Og ber mær altíð teg

Eg vil skilja teg

Leave this gate open
Leave hope for us yet
Though we part ways now
The sacrificed moment
Will bring life in the end
If you bear the will
Grant me time

The shriek of the hinge
Follows me, groaning
Free, no peace yet
Resounds in me a song of longing

But the glow carries your spirit
Along the edge of eternity
Beyond the path of Heaven
It rescues me from peril
Across the sea I hear you

The shrill shriek echoes
I want to know you
Just as you know me
Leap, shivering
Into the embrace of your precious time

But your glow can conjure
All ages into dust
Break the rhythm of the world
It reaches distant lands
And brings you to me

I want to know you

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Kvirran lær
Yvir mær
Sprænir sítt eitur
Í mín kropp
Ótti um endan
Lamin í myrkraverð

Ræðandi nær
So órøkkandi fjar
Sælan, ið aldri endar

Í hamferð
Guð lat teir tá ferðast óbyrðaðir heim
Í hamferð
Guð lat teir kenna frið tín og anda

The silence cackles
Above me
Injects its venom
Into my bones
Fear of the end
Crippled in the realm of the dark

Terrifyingly close
Yet unreachably far away
The neverending bliss

As apparitions
God, let them thus journey home unburdened
As apparitions
God, let them know Your peace and spirit

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Gerist bjartskygd
Tá stendur á dimminum
og lógvin brýtur

Satt er tað
Tú rak um nes, bar við sand
Tveitti kloddar upp á turt
Fanst heim til mín

Eg havi trúð
Eg havi sæð

Dreygarnir dansa tá kvirran tekur blotan
Neyvan komast teir við mín boga
Dreygarnir svíva har hvaðan támið stavar
Bíða blotanum á
Eymka seg hvørja nátt
Hvirla yvir kalda royggið
Teimum beri eg kvøl til linna

I feel hopeful
When the dusk gathers
and the waves rush the beach

It is true
You drifted past the headland, caught the sand
Threw your rags on dry land
Found your way home to me

I have believed
I have seen

The ghosts dance as the silence rules the mire
They pay no heed to my arc
The ghosts float there, whence the mist comes
Wait on the marsh
Wail every night
Whirl over the cold reeds
I bear them my troubles ro relieve

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O Guð
Himinin er hvølja
Fjørðurin kjaftur
Etist mín verð

Guð brotnar
Hvøljan skrædnar
Í svartar veingir
Hevjast og fjatla
Fjóna mannalív

Bøn í ótíð
Til baldrandi brot
Um tú nakran taka skal
Tak tá meg

Kveistri burt klórandi skvatl
Slíti mót landi uttan flot
Ond undan sjónum at svølgja
Gresjandi stokkar
Førini eitt og eitt undir skugga

Dear God
The heavens are whaleskin
The fjord a gaping maw
My world is consumed

God disintegrates
The whaleskin rips
Into black wings
That rise and flutter
Disregard the lives of men

Prayer out of time
To the roaring waves
If you are to take anyone
Take me

Brushing off the scratching laps
Struggling to reach land with no float
To swallow the breath from beneath the sea
The crunching gunwales
The vessels – one by one – under the shadow

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“Tað var leygardag tann 13. februar í 1915 at ein grind var komin inn á fjørðin í Sandvík. Tað var so ringt veður, at hvalbingar komu til gongu; tað var ikki veður at koma við báti úr Hvalba og til Sandvíkar.

Tað vóru fýra bátar, sum sandvíkingar hevði mannað, og lógu hesir uppi yvir grindini, tá hvalbingar komu.

Ja, ja man sigur jú, at fátt kann feigum forða. Og hetta orðatakið, tað má man nokk ásanna her.

Seksmannafarið, ið umkomst, var tá einar kanska tríggjar til fýra bátslongdir innan fyri okum. Óløgið fall niður yvir bátin. Hann hvarv. Men tá hann kom útundan aftur brotunum, fleyt hann á rættkjøli.

Teir fingu líkasum ikki summað sje til næsta brotið legði aftur útyvir bátin. Eisini nú, tá tað helmaði av, fleyt hann á rættkjøli. Men so kom triðja brotið. Tá hann tá kom undan aftur aftur, kom hann líkasum eftir kanti uppaftur. Fjórða óløgið legði so aftur út á hann. Tá var ongin maður at síggja.

Tann minni báturin, ið umkomst, var eitt stórt fýramannafar. Hann slongdist í leysari luft runt. Tað eydnaðist tó einum manni at blíva fastur við hann, og tá tað løgaði aftur, slapp hann á kjølin.

Meðan øll hesi óløgini gingu er eisini ein triðji báturin innanfyri allar hinar bátarnar. Og hesin báturin rør út ígjøgnum øll óløgini fullur undir stokkarnar av sjógv og kemur – á rættkjøli – út um allan fáran.

Okur, ið vóru har á staðnum, kunnu klárliga síggja og mugu eisini ásanna, at har fór fram eitt Harrans mirakul; ein sjónlig Guðs undurgerð, at hesin báturin kundi koma fram við lívinum.

Men Guðs hond er sterk. Mangan hevur tað víst sje at vera stórur munur á tí, ið maður ella menn ætlaði sær at gera, og tað úrslít, teir fingu úr síni ætlan.

Fjúrtan menn lótu her sítt unga lív.”

Niels Mørk, 1958

“It was on a Saturday – the 13th of February in 1915 – that a grind (a pod of pilot whales) had come into the bay of Sandvík. The weather was so rough that men from Hvalba came on foot. It was too rough to row from Hvalba to Sandvík.

There were four boats manned by men from Sandvík, and these were holding the grind when the men from Hvalba arrived.

It is said that “fátt kann feigum forða” (“rarely can the doomed be delivered”), and this saying must surely be acknowledged here.

The six-man boat which capsized was three to four boat lengths further in from us. The breakers fell upon the boat. It disappeared. But when it then reappeared, it righted itself.

The men were not quite able to recover before the second wave broke over the boat. Still, when it calmed again, the boat came up right. But then came the third wave. This time, it floated on its side. The fourth breaker then came upon the boat. After that, there were no men to be seen.

The smaller boat that capsized was a large four-man vessel. It was thrown up and around in the air. One man managed to hang on to it, and when it calmed again, he could climb the keel.

While the sea was surging, there was another third boat further in from all the others. And it rows out through the crashing waves, filled to the gunnels with seawater, and makes it out – still on its keel – and away from all danger.

We who were present there could plainly see – and must also admit – that a Lord’s miracle occurred here; a clear wonder of God that this boat came through unscathed.

But strong is the Hand of God. There is often a great difference between what man – or men – planned to do and what result was had from that plan.

Fourteen men gave their young lives here.”

Niels Mørk, 1958